Best Cloud Server Provider
Service Level Agreement

Our goal is to deliver you the best services according to your business. To bring clarity & positivity and a better understanding of our services. We’ve created a Service Level Agreement (SLA).
You should read the Terms of Service together with this SLA, which explains how the service will be delivered to you and what performance you have to expect.
Using our services means you accept and follow this policy.


All the terms in this SLA will use the same definitions as those in the Terms of Service or the relevant Master Service Agreement (MSA).
"Uptime" or "UT" means the total number of hours in a month when the Client has use the Services.
Uptime = 100% – Downtime
"Fault" means not meeting the service levels described in this SLA.
"ST" or "Service Time" means the total number of hours in a month when Cloud99 is providing Services to the Client.
E.g. 30×24=720 hours in a 30-day calendar month.
"Emergency Maintenance" or "EM" is when maintenance is done urgently because there’s a serious problem with the system or equipment, or it’s a safety issue. Cloud99 will try to let the Client know about it in advance, but if they can’t, they’ll update the Client as soon as the maintenance is done.
"EU" stands for the total hours each month when Cloud99 can do maintenance or upgrades to improve services, with advance notice to the Client. Emergency Maintenance and Planned Downtime are included in this "Excused Unavailability."
"Planned Downtime" or "PD" is when Cloud99 schedules hours in a month to do maintenance, like checks or updates, on their system. The Client will be given a 24-hour notice if this downtime is planned for the regular maintenance hours from 11 PM to 6 AM IST, or at another time if the Client agrees on that time. Cloud99 can still do Emergency Maintenance if necessary. The Client can also ask for maintenance to fix any problems with Cloud99’s equipment they are using.

Planned downtime might involve activities like these, but not just these:

Planned downtime might include:

  • Safety checks and upgrades
  • Daily maintenance to keep the services running smoothly.
  • Maintenance of utilities like AC, UPS, and Server Rooms (with servers from Cloud99) to avoid problems

  • "Downtime" is the percentage of hours in a month when any Cloud99 service wasn’t available for the Client to use. It’s calculated using this formula: ((Planned Downtime + Emergency Maintenance - Excused Unavailability + Fault) X 100) / Service Time. Only the service or server that was affected is counted for downtime.
    "Exceptions" are specific events listed in Case 5 that don’t count as Service unavailability or Downtime under this SLA.
    A "Support Request" is an email sent to support@cloud99.in, where the Client describes their complaint about Cloud99 services being unavailable or reports Downtime, following the steps outlined in Case 3 below.
    Force Majeure Event: This means any major event that’s out of anyone’s control and couldn’t have been avoided, like big power or internet outages, natural disasters, wars, riots, serious disease outbreaks, fires, strikes, terrorism, government actions, or any other unexpected events. Cloud99 will not be responsible for that.

    2. UPTIME:

    If the uptime drops below 99.9% for the month, Cloud99 will make it up to you by giving you extra service time at no charge.
    No Service Extension if Uptime is Below 99.9%
    If uptime drops from 99.9% to 99%, you’ll get an extra day of service for free.
    If uptime drops from 99% to 98%, you'll get an extra two days of service beyond the original period.
    If uptime drops from 98% to 97%, you’ll get an extra 3 days of service.
    If uptime is less than 97%, you’ll get extra days of service based on how much lower the uptime is. For example, if uptime is 95%, you get an extra 5 days (3 days plus 2 more days for each percentage point below 97%).
    You’ll receive similar credits or discounts as decided by Cloud99 in your next billing period.


    The Client needs to email support@cloud99.in from their registered email address within 24 hours of having any downtime. It’s the Client’s job to provide Cloud99 with the information and help needed to find out what caused the service issue.
    When Cloud99 gets the email, they will investigate the downtime and try their best to fix it using standard methods. If the Client doesn’t follow the reporting requirements, the email won’t be considered a valid downtime report, and the mentioned time will not be counted in the downtime.


    Deductions will only be given for downtime if the Client has reported it to the Cloud99 support team as described in Case 3.
    The Downtime Deductions mentioned in this document are calculated for each separate incident and are based on the percentage of time the service was available during the billing month. Just to be clear about that.
    (a) Deductions are calculated separately for each incident and are not added up over time.
    (b) Downtime periods are considered individually, not combined, when figuring out the Deductions.
    To get Deductions, the Client should email Cloud99 at support@cloud99.in and keep the following id in the cc section
    2)mail ID of their respective account manager
    with the subject "SLA Deduction Request." The email should include:
    ● Dates and times of each downtime incident.
    ● Information about what areas were affected.
    ● Logs showing errors and supporting the issue (make sure to remove any private info from the logs).
    If the Client doesn’t request Deductions within 2 days after the end of the billing month or after receiving the invoice (whichever is later), they will not be eligible for the Deductions for that downtime. Cloud99 won’t be responsible for any claims or Deductions related to that downtime.
    After calculating the Deductions, they may be applied to the Client’s upcoming invoices. Clients will not receive refunds or direct payments from Cloud99 based on these Deductions. The Client should not hold back any payments to Cloud99, whether partial or full while waiting for Deductions.
    The Client will not receive any discount under this SLA if they have a history of good and timely billing or if they delay payments for current invoices while waiting for a Deduction.
    If there’s a disagreement about Deductions, Cloud99, and the Client will try to work it out together. If in any worse circumstance there is no resolution found for the problem then after15 days, decision taken by Cloud99 would be final.


    Cloud99 cannot take the responsibility for any downtime caused by the events listed below or a combination of them.
    The Client’s request might include changing or adjusting the Services in any way.
    Disturbances caused by issues with the Client's software, third-party services, or any facilities managed by or for the Client, including third-party Open Source Software or Software Licenses provided by Cloud99.
    Disturbances caused due to submission of incomplete or incorrect information given by the Client to Cloud99 about the Services or for setting up their account.
    The performance of different networks with their traffic exchange or any third-party inter or intra-change.
    If the client doesn't follow the agreed terms, it might lead to delays or problems with the service.
    DNS problems that Cloud99 can’t directly manage or fix.
    Problems with the client’s internet connections, network links, or any part of the connection not handled by Cloud99.
    Any defect or issues with the devices used to access the services caused by disasters, transit issues, neglect, or improper use by the client.
    If the client uses the data center services for anything other than using the intended services, it will be considered a breach.
    Any action or failure by the Client, like not reporting unexpected Downtime to Cloud99 at support@cloud99.in, will be considered.
    Events or incidents that don’t lead to any issues being found in support requests, as confirmed by the Client.

    A break in service happens when the Client continues using a Service that is not working properly for testing and repair, without notifying Cloud99 about the problem.
    If there are any problems, delays, or issues with services because of what the Client, their employees, agents, or subcontractors do (or don’t do), then those are the Client’s responsibility.
    - Mistakes were made during the setup process.
    - Breaking the rules for using software on the server.
    - Mismanaging how resources are assigned or used.
    The Client or their authorized people are careless or acting in a way that causes problems, including any issues with applications or services they provide.
    Problems caused by changes in regulations that affect the services.
    The Client is responsible for any misuse, fraud, or failure to follow Cloud99’s Terms of Service or MSA (as relevant) by themselves or their end-users.
    If the services are unavailable, suspended, or ended because of things outside Cloud99’s control, like natural disasters or internet issues not caused by Cloud99, they aren’t responsible for that.

    6. The downtime period begins when the Client emails Cloud99 about the issue, as outlined in Case 3 of the SLA. Once Cloud99 receives the email, they’ll check if the reported downtime meets the criteria for Uptime calculations described in Case 2.

    7. The time for calculating any credits starts when the Client emails Cloud99 Support about the issue and continues until the suspension is fixed, according to the SLA terms.

    8. Cloud99 isn’t responsible for the safety and security of the Client’s data, as mentioned in the Terms of Service or MSA. It’s up to the Client to take security measures, like protecting passwords and security keys.

    9. The Client needs to purchase and manage their own backup and recovery plans and regularly test them to avoid losing or accidentally deleting data.

    10. This SLA (Service Level Agreement) explains what Cloud99 will do if there are problems with their services. If you run into issues, this document outlines the solutions you can expect and the responsibilities Cloud99 has to resolve them. It covers everything you need to know in case something goes wrong, as long as there are no other specific agreements in the Terms of Service or Master Service Agreement.

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